My mamak stall! Roti canai satu, Teh Tarik satu!

lets talk!

1. Why our education need a major overhual!
2. Is copying or sharing answer during test is a sin?
3. Why they don't teach us to be rich?
4. Take the fast track to wealth. Now you also can be rich!
5. School smart or street smart?
6. Politics is for blamers!
7. Why 10% of the world rich control 90% of the world wealth?
8. "I basket full of Indian Crabs" version 2.0
9. The world has too many left brain smart!
10. The new rule of money!

Lets Talk!

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Rich Dad Education Blog

Friday, December 25, 2009

Don't post pone your earnings

Few days ago I was just wondering why we like post pone our earnings? During my schooling days and university days the thought of making some extra money or doing some thing for money did not arise. I think it is because the way myself were thought and brought up made me think that I should start earn money after I finished my education. Everyone around me, my parents, my siblings, cousins, uncles, teaches, friends and the society said only one thing . They all said " Study hard! Score A's! Go to University! Get a high paying Job! Some went to the extant to Say " Work hard! Save Money! Buy House and Get Married!  I did what ever they said, I studied hard accept I buying a house and getting married!

Why should we wait until we graduate to start earn? Why not start earning before we graduate, even before we start our tertiary education. Things have change so much that if we slack a little we will be left far behind by other communities. Now we are in the IT age not Industrial Age anymore....We should start adjusting to new Age where old rules doesn't work any more. We need to separate our earnings and education. It is two different things: our earning is not 100% related to our education. After all our education doesn't teach us how to earn money and it doesn't teach us to become rich either! We learn it in the streets from the society! Became street smarts is the best way to earn a better life. Look at most of the millionaires and billionaires, either they didn't get university education or they did not complete their tertiary education!

School smarts only develop their left side of their brain, and most of them neglect the right side! The creative side which is important when we are stepping into the streets.

So the question will be

How to became street smart?
How to develop the right side of the brain?
How to start earning before we graduate?

Think It!

Search for ways to earn even before you graduate. There thousand of ways to earn without investing a single cent. Practice to create new ideas and new business, everyone knows practice makes perfect!

Your comments  and  opinions is very much appreciated.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Crab Story "Nandu Katha"

Help re write this story! A Basket Full of Indian Crabs! For generation this story have been repeated to us at any gathering you named it, ...........official and non official, social party, beer or liquor session, at mama stall, koew teow stall, friends party, birthday party, wedding reception. This Indian "nandu" story as a profound negative impact to our mind and thinking! Never repeat this story or get your children (our next generation) influenced by this story. Lets re write this.........times have changed so do old believes and thinking.

Lets give new name to this story and change it into a positive image to this "Nandu katha"

You can named it as you like

" Cyber Nandus 2009"
"21st Cyber Indian Nandus"
"New Age Indian Nandus"
"A Web full of Indian Nandus"

Make funny and give it a sense of humour!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Money Tree

During my childhood whenever I ask for money my mother will shout at me " Why every time ask for money! Do you think money comes from tree!" (kassu enna marathelaiya kaikethe!) But she and we all didn't know that we actually can have a money tree. We can plant a money tree. We only need a good Money Seed!!! Well you might think I am crazy. Where can we get the money seed? You don't have to look further, you don't have Google is right where you are standing! Yes YOU are the seed! The question is how? How to turn your self into a potential money making seed? Keep asking this question for the time and me can find the answer very soon.

Politics are for the blamers!

Lately, we had some major incidents (Makhal Sakthi, 2008 GE & etc) which changed our life's forever.........oops! Did our life really changed ever since?

We all (including me) joined hand in hand by what ever means to this phenomenon hoping for another Falling of Berlin Wall like incident. We almost got there but, maybe we missed it by fraction of time! But we did try.

Did we learn from it?

Well I learned from it? What I learned?

1. When we get together as one powerful voice and we can shake the POWER THRONE! if we want to.
2. We, Malaysian Indian can actually get together and voice our concerns.
3. We care for each other more than what we actually think off.
4. There some Indian who willing to sacrifice their personal life for the community! Sincerely, thanks to them.

Sorry only 4 positive lessons! Did you learn more?

Now the main reason I writing this post! I have also learned that we never learn from our mistakes. We Indian have a lot to blame others. Instead of stopping, asking ourself, learning and correcting our selfs we blame other for our failures. We are very angry, depressed, upset and blaming the politicians, political party, government and any other people whom we can get on.

It is obvious from our mental and emotional state of mind that our forefathers had gone through ever since they came here to earn and was blaming instead of learning. Is this the legacy that they wanted to pass to us? The blaming culture? We should remember their sacrifices made with their life and blood working in the Malayan rain forest and rubber estated but, we also should learn from their mistake and weakness.

It was during this period that I understood that it is important that we stop, think, learn and correct ourselves. And the scary thing is, I must learn fast because the changes are happening very fast ever since the Berlin Wall was DOWN and the World Wide Web came UP 10 years ago. It is a Fast Track and I need to drive fast or be left out by decades behind.

By not admitting that we made mistakes and that we have weakness that need self improvement, we have made matters worst! Our major scapegoat is our government and the politicians.

So politics are for the blamers! At least in my personal opinion.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Indian gave "Nothing" to the world

If you're an Indian, you should be angry by now after reading the title! But, hold on a second and take a deep breadth...........What I am meant by the "Nothing" is Zero (0), yes the Indians gave zero the world. Not only zero but numbers 1 to 9 which all the while called as Arabic numbers because the West got it from Arabs during the Crusades. Do you know the Arabs word for Mathematics is Al-hind which means "from the land of India/Hindu". Not many know this I guess. What is the big fuss about give numbers to the world as all the major civilization do have their own numbers! Well if not for the Indian's 0,1,2.....9 we most probability will be using Roman numbers such as I, II, III, IV,.........XMLIIIVII. Wow! can you do some calculation with that? or solve complex mathematical problems or do your accounting. And what about accuracy without 0? Example how to write 11.15 in Roman XI.XV. Can you write 0.001 without the zero? Get what I mean.

Below I quotes from Robert Kiyosaki's book,

One of the most important technological changes in the history of the Western World took place during the Crusades, when Christian soldiers cam across the Hindu-Arab system of numbers. The Hindu-Arab system of numbers, so named because the Arabs found this numbering system during their invasion of India, replaced what we call Roman numerals. Few people appreciate the difference this system of numbers has made upon our lives. The Hindu system of numbers has allowed people to sail further out to sea with greater accuracy; architecture could be more ambitious; time keeping could be more accurate; and the human mind sharpened, and people thought more accurately, abstractly, and critically. It was a major technological change that had a tremendous effect on all of our lives.

The above changes has initiated a multiple chain reaction that lets new inventions and ideas that changed our lives forever from bicycle to steam engines, aero-plane to rocket during the Industrial Age to computers and IT technologies in the Information Age.

ehmmmmm! I want to be more appreciative with this numbers from now onwards........or course would be very very appreciate if Kena Nombor!

Hope this will inspire you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

cow head

Recent cow head protest has left many people consufed in Malaysia. Ordinary people Muslims and Hindus, politician and even religious leader are confused and making it a big issue. Frankly, I am not against their protest because they have all the rights for a peaceful gathering to express their concerns and grievance. But the thing that bothered me was the scene of "mad cow heads" parading a cow head in the streets. Seeing the pictures, I think the protestor does not have respect for their food! Simple as it is, there is not need to think otherwise or speculate on anything else. the cow belongs to the cooking pots not to used as a mascot! I am vegetarian so I don't eat beef and any death animals flesh! but I have great respect for all food. you can eat what ever you like but, just give you last respect to your food before you munch it. that's what my feeling when I saw the picture in the internet. I would suggest to the protestor to use paper cow head and after the protest the can sell the cow to any apek buying "surat khabar lama".
By the way, they the protested got it all wrong. I think it is my responsibility to educate them,........Why they used cow head to protest against the Hindus??? hmm! why? will a cow head offend the Hindus?.......will the cow head really offend us. In my opinion it would not. They the protestors would not be able to offend the true Hindus except for some misguided fanatics! maybe a pig head will offend us I guess. Unfortunately, with respect, they the protestor could not parade pig head. Yet I have a suggestion for them, they can hire a Hindu to carry it for them..........a little confused??? well you should be. Some of us eat pig but never cook pork in our house it is strictly not allowed and most of us never eat beef but we use many things made of cow skin. ha-ha! a little more confusion. well you should be. it is better you get confuse. is the best way to educate yourself and get the truth. this the ancient mystics method of teaching his disciple to attained enlightenment. the mystic will make the disciple confused until he drops all his beliefs or philosophies and seek the truth. So don't give up on understanding is easy said then done. but keep trying. Sorry I forgot to mentioned one more thing....we Hindus wear shoes made of cow skin to temples too. now very much confused huh? you should be because we the Hindus also confused. so stop parading foods in the streets and stop trying to confuse "the most confused" people on the planet will never succeed!

Holy cow!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

hello everyone!

Hi to everyone?..............I think nobody is listening to me now!!! Well I wanted to blog long time ago.......since the year 2006. I did registered 2 blog but never really blogged. I had this feeling that my English is not good and afraid of making grammatical mistakes............but now after two years.............I have changed i guess!...............I came to a understanding that in communication, mere words or good sentence is not that much important as I used to think!...........I came to understand that communication is more then just I am going write all the things that BLOGGING my mind. Sorry for the bad English! I will improve..........


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