My mamak stall! Roti canai satu, Teh Tarik satu!

lets talk!

1. Why our education need a major overhual!
2. Is copying or sharing answer during test is a sin?
3. Why they don't teach us to be rich?
4. Take the fast track to wealth. Now you also can be rich!
5. School smart or street smart?
6. Politics is for blamers!
7. Why 10% of the world rich control 90% of the world wealth?
8. "I basket full of Indian Crabs" version 2.0
9. The world has too many left brain smart!
10. The new rule of money!

Lets Talk!

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Rich Dad Education Blog

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Indian gave "Nothing" to the world

If you're an Indian, you should be angry by now after reading the title! But, hold on a second and take a deep breadth...........What I am meant by the "Nothing" is Zero (0), yes the Indians gave zero the world. Not only zero but numbers 1 to 9 which all the while called as Arabic numbers because the West got it from Arabs during the Crusades. Do you know the Arabs word for Mathematics is Al-hind which means "from the land of India/Hindu". Not many know this I guess. What is the big fuss about give numbers to the world as all the major civilization do have their own numbers! Well if not for the Indian's 0,1,2.....9 we most probability will be using Roman numbers such as I, II, III, IV,.........XMLIIIVII. Wow! can you do some calculation with that? or solve complex mathematical problems or do your accounting. And what about accuracy without 0? Example how to write 11.15 in Roman XI.XV. Can you write 0.001 without the zero? Get what I mean.

Below I quotes from Robert Kiyosaki's book,

One of the most important technological changes in the history of the Western World took place during the Crusades, when Christian soldiers cam across the Hindu-Arab system of numbers. The Hindu-Arab system of numbers, so named because the Arabs found this numbering system during their invasion of India, replaced what we call Roman numerals. Few people appreciate the difference this system of numbers has made upon our lives. The Hindu system of numbers has allowed people to sail further out to sea with greater accuracy; architecture could be more ambitious; time keeping could be more accurate; and the human mind sharpened, and people thought more accurately, abstractly, and critically. It was a major technological change that had a tremendous effect on all of our lives.

The above changes has initiated a multiple chain reaction that lets new inventions and ideas that changed our lives forever from bicycle to steam engines, aero-plane to rocket during the Industrial Age to computers and IT technologies in the Information Age.

ehmmmmm! I want to be more appreciative with this numbers from now onwards........or course would be very very appreciate if Kena Nombor!

Hope this will inspire you.

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