My mamak stall! Roti canai satu, Teh Tarik satu!

lets talk!

1. Why our education need a major overhual!
2. Is copying or sharing answer during test is a sin?
3. Why they don't teach us to be rich?
4. Take the fast track to wealth. Now you also can be rich!
5. School smart or street smart?
6. Politics is for blamers!
7. Why 10% of the world rich control 90% of the world wealth?
8. "I basket full of Indian Crabs" version 2.0
9. The world has too many left brain smart!
10. The new rule of money!

Lets Talk!

events / nonprofit news stories aggregated by

Rich Dad Education Blog

Friday, September 24, 2010

Great Indian Scientists From Ancient to Modern Ages - PART 1

Great Indian Scientists From Ancient to Modern Ages - PART 1

Friday, September 3, 2010

Randomness as Meaning

This article describes how, in our search for order and purpose in life, people sometimes assign meaning to events that are objectively random and devoid of meaning. Consider these two images — one dot pattern is random, the other isn't:

Randomness as Meaning

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

RICHE NICHE GROUPS CO., LTD.: Injection Mould Types

RICHE NICHE GROUPS CO., LTD.: Injection Mould Types: "Injection Mould Types Plastic injection moulds can be categorized into two main types: cold runner mould and hot runner mould. A runner is..."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My new website

I have started a website for learning purpose and acquire internet business skills. In the current IT Age this skills are very important in order to make our lifes better. It is Internet Gold Rush now, and if we ingore this opportunity we will be left out forever. When America (new land) was found there was Gold Rush and you know those who joined this Gold Rush went on the create world class business and control the worlds money for centuries! Now we have second chance to join the Gold Rush, but this time in the Internet world.
Back to my website, my mission is to learn the necessary techniques about internet website, internet marketing, page ranking, Search Engines, and many other necessary skills like SEO, Keyword research, article writing for internet, Social Networking. By the way don't what is SEO?
Website Mission: Provide information about Nose piercings
Personal Mission: Learn Internet Business skills.
Charity: Share this knowledge with family members and other aspiring entrepreneurs in the community.
Goal 1: Provide unique information to knowledge seeking customer.
Goal 2: Introduce Indian nose rings to western market
Goal 3: Get passive income from Advertisement and commercials and product sales.
To the members of Mind Your Own Business Group (Facebook)
Here is the HOMEWORK for you all!
1) 1st of all visit my website. (start from May 2010)
2) Join my Facebook fan club and invite your friends to join. (start from May 2010)
    Become active members, write comment and tell anything about nose piercings. (start from June 2010)
3) Give you comment about the site from improvement.
When you visit my website Search Engines will look at your behavior, what you do at my website will be used to judged my site. Visit the group page for details of what you need to do visiting my website.
I want to make this site a world class with high page ranking. I am competing with other advanced websites on nose rings and most of it are  American website which has high rankings.

Currently my website as high page rankings for the following "keywords"
Nose piercings information : Page 2
Nose piercing blog: Page 1
Nose piercing FAQ: page 3
At the moment I am getting 20~30 visitors per day from around the world. My target is to get 100~ 200 visitors per day by end of this year. 
Please join me in this learning process of making internet business.
I will guide you all the success if you are interested in doing the same.
Thank you.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Indian Bashing!

Recently I posted a article titled "Indian Gave Nothing to The World" in a Facebook group, although the title sounds negative, the actual content was intended give a sense of dignity to our community.
There were number of participants who shared their view and thoughts and with respect to those who participate in this discussion board........I would like to thank them their thoughts and opinion. It is all always better to get it direct from the people!!! 
Some of them expressed is a good sign! Provided if, one can turn their frustration energy into positive energy by improve themselves and their surrounding. for example if you are frustrated seeing our community being poor you can turn this frustration into positive energy by becoming a entrepreneur/business man. If frustrated with our communities education level you can this frustration into positive energy by starting a tuition or educating your own kids.  

But quite numbers us here harbor negativity thoughts about Indians and like "Indian Bashing"...........This Indian bashing especially among Malaysian Indians is quite prevalent in many Indian social networks and social groups. Why there is so much negative opinion brothers n sisters? I am referring to some statements--->; "this stupid, lazy Indians and  ...etc? I am sure you all did not mean it!

I am very sadden to see and hear lots of negative attitude towards Indians among Indians. In my personal opinion this collective negative thinking is the main reason we cannot move on in life , make changes or break free from the past mentality. We are yet to release the power of our sub-conscious brain which if program with POSITIVE thoughts can do wonders!  This is the most power full of the three brains (left, right & subconscious). It does not think, but rather reacts, fights, flees, or freezes. It is a person's subconscious brain that ultimately determines of they are a success or failure in life, love, health and money. This is because subconscious mind is the most powerful part of the brain, especially in pressure situations. You can develop you right or left side of your brain but there not guarantee that you can be success full. You can be a Engineering genius by developing you left side or great arties by developing you right side but the destiny of ourselves and our community is determined by the total sum of individual subconscious brain/mind. SO be very sensitive to the you thought and your environment (your immediate family, friends, society) because your subconscious is programs and influenced by your own thought and the environment you life in.
People think differently when their subconscious is controlled by fear. If people are fearful they may say, "I can;t do that.What if I fail?" or That's risky." Compare that to a person who is in a fight-state subconscious, who might say, 'I'll show them. I'll get that deal just to prove I can do it." Can observe our children how many of them utter this positive words? Not many in my personal experience! Why we program this poor kid's  subconscious brains with negative thought like;
Indians are stupid
Indians are lazy
Indians are criminals
Indians are third class citizen,
Indians are poor
Indians cannot do business
Indians are like crabs (we are repeating this crab story for decades)
Indians cannot unite
the list goes on............
Let me make it simple and short.
Try repeating  "You are stupid/ idiot" to your children daily for few months or for a year!
What do you think the result will be? Your children either will behave stupid or lose their self-confidence in themselves although their are not stupid by birth!
I am sure you are not going to risk your children's future with this experiment. 

Again, are you will to repeat this word to your children every day?.............


" To utter harsh words when sweet ones would serve
is like eating unripe fruits when ripe ones are at hand" Thirukural translation by Swami Subramuniyaswami.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Make money online

Today I want to encourage you to learn for yourself about opportunities in the Internet. Unfortunately, there are very few genuine and good web site that are really serious about helping you to earn money. Basically, almost all money making sites on the web are scams.

Do not try something until really sure about it, do some research in the net and see whether any claims or complaints being made about the web sites. If some is too good to be true then you should know it! Nothing is easy even in the Internet, within second you can loose everything you earned. Under no circumstances should you give any money making site your credit card number!

You can start a blog for free, and monetize with Google AdSense and other third party programs which you can join and add ads to your blog. You can make some money by blogging but, it would be worth the time and energy spent unless your are a computer gig and can spend hours surfing the net and giving value added information to a niche readers. Anyway, you must try it too because you never know your own capabilities until you try it for your self. About AdSense please read my Sep 09 blog where I have given easy step by step on how to add AdSense to your blog.

You can sell any items at auction sites like EBay, Yahoo Auction, Amazon. If you have somethings that you are not using, want to dispose or a gift for your birthday party which you don't like, well there is always someone somewhere waiting for it! This is the most important thing that you must know, "There is always a buy for all the products ever produced" The only thing is who wants to sell it, if you don't someone else would. So decide for your self you want to be a buyer or seller.

You can offer to tutor students online. You can teach a student in US add math on your pajamas. If you have new approach and easy to understand solution to a same problem you can lots of money tutoring students. If your have writing skills you can write articles and submit to websites, like Associated Content.

OK, back to scams! First, never ever pay a fee to get a job. Many scams will want you to pay a registration fee, material fee or information fee. Stay away from this sites.

Your can make money online with affiliate marketing. All you need is a computer and Internet connection and the willingness to learn.

My advise is your start doing it by yourself and learn along the way. You might fail many times but never give up each time you fail the nature is teaching a lesson worth learning and experience worth acquiring.

You don't have to spend a dime in the Internet while learning and getting new knowledge, that is the beauty of Internet! Even many advance and professional free software are there for you to use. ( I will write about this free software in my next blog). Yes, I am talking about free web hosting site which gives you all the basic services that you need to start your first WWW experiences. Although the space will be limited you can learn allot from it. Of-course once you have acquired the skills and your business started to generate income, you can shift to a more advance paid web hosting. In this way you will never loose money or take out money from your pocket.

Before you start you need to ask yourself few questions and give your sincere answer to it. What are your strengths? Do you like writing? Reading? Do you have any skills which can be useful for others? Can make or create things that others people would be interested to buy? How about hobby? Keep searching there something inside you!

If your want a specific guidance to get yourself started do email me at For most of us the starting point the most difficult so I can help to get started. Once your earned your first dollar, no one can stop you!

come and follow me at
my blog
my rss feeds

How to Make Money Online with eBay, Yahoo!, and GoogleHow to Make Money Online with eBay, Yahoo!, and Google
The Recession-Busting Guide To Making Money Online From HomeThe Recession-Busting Guide To Making Money Online From Home

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What do you want to be when you grow up? The DOLE syndrome.

What are you doing to do when you grow up?
I want to be Doctor!

I think almost everyone of us faced this question at least once in our life time. Most of us might have been asked to write an essay about it by our English teacher or Bahasa Malaysia teacher. During my schools days every time my relatives visit me I will asked the same question. During those days I wanted to be a doctor! I am not sure why I wanted to be a doctor, maybe after listening to my parents and people around me talking good things about doctors and doctors are highly respected. Not only me ask any Indian boy or girls the immediate response will be either Doctor or Lawyer and some times Engineer.  Even today after 15 to 20 years have past the answer to the same question have not changed, but now we have more choices. From doctor, engineer, lawyer, Computer programmer, web designer, IT engineer, and list goes on and on. This shows we didn't see the changes happening around us! We all are in the same mentality as 20 years ago. Since, 1998 when the Berlin wall came down and the World Wide Web came up the world as changed dramatically. In this new IT Age we need to think differently, do things differently and plan our live differently. Those old thinking of Industrial Age is gone! Gone with wind! Old thinking like "study hard, get a high paying work, save money, buy house, buy car and have retirement plan are gone! During the Industrial Age the government through its education system was preparing us for mass employment in manufacturing industry and service industry. 

In this IT Age if we are still have the Industrial Age thinking, we will be left out very far behind (my estimated is around 10 years behind). The world is in a fast track and everyone is speeding very fast. In this IT Age, more people will get rich and more people will become poor while the middle class will shrink. We need have to choose in which class we want to be.

We need to go beyond this mentality of being Doctor, Lawyer or Engineer which I call it as DOLE syndrome! DOLE syndrome is heredity disease and it is being passed on to us by our parents and grandparents and the society around us. I have seen many families sell the assets or use their hard earn money to send their children overseas to study medicine. Many of this poor children became doctors against their will. Fortunately, this DOLE syndrome it is not in our DNA it is in our Brain. We can eliminate this DOLE syndrome the sooner the better. After all being professional or working for company is not the only way to earn money ! If fact most or the rich people don't have a university degree and they don't work for others.

I am not against one being doctor, lawyer or engineer but it should be forced by parents, family and society around us. Many of us are trapped by people surrounding us and our life's and thinking are very much influenced by people around us. I will take time for changes to come into our community but do we have the time and luxury to wait?

I don't a solution and specific answer to the above problems because everyone of us have the intelligence to think about it and make the changes. Changes start within us. I am making changes myself. I am not going to point at others are advise other until I see success in myself. Wow! There a lot to change and many negative influences an thinking pattern need to corrected.............! Thank got I live in oversea away from my family and society.........So it should easy for me to change myself. 

Think iT!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Increase your words to increase your money

One of the best way to became successful in your chosen field is the increase your vocabulary of the chosen field. For example if your want to be Accountant or Financial expert you should know the meaning of the words related to accounting terms like net income, expenses, Asset, Liabilities, Depreciation, long term loan, short term loan, P&L Sheet, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Net Profit, Gross Profit and etc. The same goes if you want to be a Doctor, Lawyer or an Engineer. If your talk to this profesional people you can notice they always use more words related to their field of expertise.

Based on this simple concept, if your want to rich what should you do? Yes, you MUST increase your vocabulary related to being rich or related to a business, entrepreneurship, financial, real estate and so on.

So start early because words leads to money. Especially, in this IT Age "Keywords" leads to more money!


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