My mamak stall! Roti canai satu, Teh Tarik satu!

lets talk!

1. Why our education need a major overhual!
2. Is copying or sharing answer during test is a sin?
3. Why they don't teach us to be rich?
4. Take the fast track to wealth. Now you also can be rich!
5. School smart or street smart?
6. Politics is for blamers!
7. Why 10% of the world rich control 90% of the world wealth?
8. "I basket full of Indian Crabs" version 2.0
9. The world has too many left brain smart!
10. The new rule of money!

Lets Talk!

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Rich Dad Education Blog

Friday, September 3, 2010

Randomness as Meaning

This article describes how, in our search for order and purpose in life, people sometimes assign meaning to events that are objectively random and devoid of meaning. Consider these two images — one dot pattern is random, the other isn't:

Randomness as Meaning

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